Gorilla News!
Gorillas are endangered and your children may never see one alive. This is why the event that just took place in London is so encouraging. Who would have thought a bunch of runners could raise funds and awareness for gorillas when the world is going through so many trials and there are so many things to worry about. Yet, these runners were able to raise the not so shabby sum of one hundred thousand pounds!
Read the full article in the Irish Independent here.
More gorilla news…
Kiki a seven year old epileptic gorilla was transferred from her home in Germany to the Antwerp zoo where she will find some much needed quiet and rest. She is being integrated slowly into her new group.
For more information read the full article in Flanders Today.
Some hope for Bua Noi (Little Lotus) a female gorilla who has been exhibited in a high rise zoo in Bangkok since 1987. It is now a well known fact that great apes (but really all primates) are social animals who do not do well in small cages and isolation. Activists are requesting Bua Noi be transferred to a facility offering a better environment and it seems they are being heard.
Let's hope this works out and let's follow-up on the story.
More on BBC news.
Let's watch some happy baby gorillas now.
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