Will the Rio Summit Help Primates?

A lot has been written about the 2012 Rio Summit that just ended on June 22, yet not much optimism was expressed.  For many, this is just a repeat of the past summits and not much is expected to come out of it.  So, here are some highlights.  

According to an article published in Business Standard, "the world leaders in their declaration said they recognized the crucial importance of enhancing financial support from all sources for sustainable development for all countries, in particular developing nations." ... "We further stress the importance of cooperative action n technology innovation, research and development.  We agree to explore modalities in the relevant forums for enhanced access to environmentally sound technologies by developing countries."  

The San Francisco Gate wrote about the Hollywood celebrities who attended and spoke about biodiversity.  The article quotes Greenpeace Executive Director kumi Naidoo who speaking about the ongoing assault the Arctic is going through is campaigning for a ban on offshore oil drilling and unstainable fishing.  

Because there aren't any clear regulations for the management of the oceans, for instance, when deep sea drilling is allowed and accidents happen, we ought to seriously ask who will ultimately be  held responsible for damages to the ecosystem and loss of species? 

Jane Goodall addressed attendees at the meeting held by Avoided Deforestation Partners.  Her message continues to the be same: "Help the chimps", but it is not only about helping the chimps, it is about helping people in "desperate poverty". 

As stated by Washington Post "The world's forests are among the crucial, life-sustaining environmental systems scientists say are teetering on the brink of a tipping point.  The U.N.'s Environment Program warned earlier this month that the planet's systems - which also include air, land and oceans - 'are being pushed towards their biophysical limits,' after which sudden and catastrophic changes could ensue."  In the same Washington Post article, we can read about Prince Charles' concerns about the growing human population.  You can also see a video of Prince Charles talking about how the world is "sleep walking to climate catastrophe" in The Telegraph.

The disappearance of tigers, wolves, chimpanzees, other primates, honey bees and so many other species, is slowly but surely putting the survival of humans at risk.  So what solutions can we come up with to save ourselves?

The Power of Convergence and Collaboration - hope for the future!



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